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It is sometimes difficult to know how much information to share with your management team. From “playing it close to the vest” to “open book” management, different companies have different cultures to address these issues.
In a recent release of findings from an ongoing research effort being conducted by Pinnacle Equity Solutions, Inc., a national leader in the emerging field of business transition planning, it was revealed that business owners...
The success of exiting a business depends greatly upon the mental perspective and preparation of an owner during the exit process. Business owners tend to fixate their thoughts only on running and growing their business.
In any competitive endeavor there are two prevailing mindsets – there are those who are playing to win the ‘game’ and there are those who are playing not to lose.  Business owners are playing the game of business.
In any competitive endeavor there are two prevailing mindsets – there are those who are playing to win the ‘game’ and there are those who are playing not to lose.  Business owners are playing the game of business. 
In any competitive endeavor there are two prevailing mindsets – there are those who are playing to win the ‘game’ and there are those who are playing not to lose.  Business owners are playing the game of business.